Beemmunity the WildHive

LUMA recently worked with Beemmunity, =to create these beautiful WildHives that rewild pollinator ecosystems.

They set off in 2021 looking to save honeybees with some pesticide detox technology. Along the way, they realized the real issue – our wild pollinators are also disappearing. Focusing on one single bee doesn’t sound too wild does it?

Beemmunity spent a year researching and designing a new way to provide pollinators with the nutrients, water + shelter they are losing.

Each WildHive is sustainably made and comes with flora tailored to your area. We help you rebuild nature, (whilst also making your garden look epic).

Stay tuned for our first batch of WildHives, launching this Spring.

More info to come! Follow @beemmunity



Production of the hive by @JAN HENDZEL

Photography by @Justin Webb Photography